Blog Articles

Cupping Therapy in High Impact Sports | Body Option Clinic
You probably heard of last year’s all-time winning Olympian, Michael Phelps. He won a gold medal for a 4×100-meter freestyle relay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was spotted with dark red circles on his back and shoulder, and this caused a huge controversy. Some people thought he looked like a Dalmatian, and others are
Acupuncture Points and their Specific Treatment | Body Option Clinic
Acupuncture is timeless healing practise that originated from China wherein thin needles are placed at detailed body points. It strives to release the body’s vital energy flow through stimulation of energy pathways. According to scientists, the needles allow the body to release natural painkillers called endorphins. Try visualizing this practice to help boost your blood
Acupuncturist Vancouver: How to Choose One | Body Option Clinic

How To Choose The Best Acupuncturist

When I was a young boy, I watched my grandfather take care of forty patients every day. He practiced traditional Chinese medicine during the mid-1960’s in Guangzhou, China. I was seven years old when I learned the craft of dispensing and collecting herbs. Out of pure curiosity, I observed how the consultation process of acupuncture
Acupuncture and Insomnia | Body Option Clinic Broadway

Acupuncture and Insomnia

For millions of Canadians, Insomnia and sleep disorders are an extremely unhealthy and frustrating reality. The inability to have a proper night’s sleep can affect mood, work performance, and a person’s overall ability to function. It can result in irritability, lack of focus, stress, anxiety, depression, and countless other conditions. And in our increasingly fast-paced,
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