People who can walk, run, and do other physical activities freely often take that ability for granted. Others who are physically impaired by chronic diseases like osteoarthritis are less inclined to partake in such activities as they are plagued by pain, reduced mobility, emotional distress and generally, reduced quality of life.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease caused by the progressive erosion of the protective cartilage that reduces friction in the joints and allows pain-free movement. This disease most commonly affects the knees, hands, hips and spine and is characterized by inflammation, chronic pain, stiffness, loss of flexibility and swelling in the affected area.
It is a popular misconception that osteoarthritis is a disease that only affects the old. While age is a major risk factor for the disease, heredity, repeated joint injury, sex, obesity, and certain pre-existing conditions are also contributing factors.
To date, there is no known cure for osteoarthritis; however, treatments to counteract its debilitating symptoms continue to advance over time. The revolutionary use of ozone therapy for knee osteoarthritis, for instance, has shown great promise for sufferers of the disease.
What is ozone therapy?
Ozone therapy is a naturopathic approach to medicine in which ozone is used to treat certain types of chronic illnesses and even life-threatening conditions. Ozone is introduced to the body in either liquid or gas form using various methods.
Ozone is a naturally occurring form of oxygen, which is found in the atmosphere. Unlike the oxygen we breathe, O2, ozone (O3) is the tri-atomic molecule that forms the blanket that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays. The medical application of ozone gas dates back some 150 years and has traditionally been used to sterilize equipment and treat diseases. The treatment of knee osteoarthritis involves the injection of medical-grade ozone into the knee’s articular cavity. This method is simple and safe, with minimal side effects.
Benefits of the therapy
Ozone gas injections provide sufferers of knee osteoarthritis with significant therapeutic benefits. Treatments:
- Provide much-needed pain relief.
- Reduce inflammation in the joint.
- Reduce joint stiffness, making the knee more flexible and,
- Aid in improving the performance of the immune system.
Ozone gas injections have the potential to slow the progression of knee osteoarthritis and delay the need for joint replacement surgery. Ozone therapy allows sufferers of chronic knee pain the opportunity to regain their mobility and independence and return to leading a more active lifestyle, which can ultimately result in an improved quality of life.
Do you want to try ozone therapy for knee pain?
Are you interested in trying ozone injections for knee pain, or do you wish to learn more about this treatment option? Then, contact us today at Body Option Clinic to book a consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable team members. Let us show you how you may benefit from ozone therapy.