Blog Articles

Neural Therapy
Neural therapy is a gentle, healing therapy that originated from Germany. It involves injecting a local anesthetic into an area of dysfunctional nerve conduction. This essentially means that the nervous system is firing inappropriately and the ‘off switch‘ isn’t working properly anymore. This treatment helps by acting as a circuit breaker, resetting the nerve conduction,

Let’s Discuss Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy, a treatment becoming more well known in recent years, refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body to help treat diseases or wounds. This treatment helps with the destruction of the sclerotic shell of fat tissues and decreases the manifestation of the so-called “orange skin.” Ozone activates the fat volume

The Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a popular treatment that has been used for over 3,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Founded in China, acupuncture has shown to have many benefits on humans— physically, mentally, and emotionally. The process of this treatment includes fine needles that are inserted in various locations on the body, allowing patients to feel little

Waking up Dizzy After Car Accident

Instead of waking up as normal each morning as you did before your accident, you’re now waking up, dizzy and wobbling to the kitchen and bathroom. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. You’re groggy, and you feel horrible as you brush your teeth. The symptoms you are experiencing happen to many individuals after experiencing a concussion after
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