Blog Articles

Acupuncture is a popular treatment that has been used for centuries. There are many benefits from this treatment, including body pain, headaches, and skincare. Many people have been treating themselves to facial acupuncture as an alternative for aging skin and is known to be reportedly safer than Botox. According to Healthline, “It’s said to naturally

The Benefits of IV Therapy

IV therapy is a very common procedure nowadays that is used to deliver fluids, blood, or medication directly into a patient’s system through the vein. There are several reasons that someone may need IV therapy, including lack of nutrients in the system and dehydration, or severe reasons including surgery or emergency situations. Body Option Clinic
Are you waking up feeling foggy and not well-rested? In order to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, there are a few things you can do to ensure you set yourself up for a good night’s sleep. Why is sleep important for your health?  Sleep does more than restore your
Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), also known as perineural therapy, is a superficial injection of a dextrose solution along subcutaneous nerves. In other words, this treatment is beneficial for patients who suffer from nerve-related pain. How It Works: The sugar injection works by blocking certain pain-generating receptors and helps heal any nerve damage that might be present.
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